Appurity’s Automated
Security Validation Service

In today’s cybersecurity landscape, it’s critical that your organisation stays ahead of bad actors.

When we talk about security validation with our customers, we often hear “but we already have a penetration testing service in place.”

Introducing Appurity’s Automated Security Validation Service

You probably have several tools and technologies within your security stack. Do you know how effective these security controls are? Are your cybersecurity tools effective against even the most sophisticated attack techniques? Are you getting the best ROI from your security stack?

Continuous testing

Testing – in whatever form – is crucial. But relying on one-day consultants to manually perform these tests –  at a snapshot in time – simply doesn’t do enough to protect against modern threats that are increasingly sophisticated and evasive. 


Automated security validation, however, is like an always-on surveillance camera, capturing every detail of your security infrastructure. It’s a comprehensive scan of your business’s defences, all the time, which continuously reveals the most vulnerable areas and weaknesses that your business should fix.

Penetration testing

If manual penetration testing is your yearly health check-up, automated security validation is the fitness tracker that monitors your well-being 24/7 and transforms the way you think about your health and fitness markers. 

We’ve developed an exclusive service offering, in collaboration with Pentera, to ensure our customers always have the upper hand against cyber threats.

Our Service

We’re offering customers a choice of three Security Validation packages. With each offering, we will work with you to regularly validate your environment, on-site. This offering is for organisations of up to 200 users or 280 endpoints. 

Appurity’s Automated Security Validation service monitors and mimics real-world hacker behaviours. Through a series of rigorous black box tests, ransomware readiness evaluations, and AD password assessments, we’ll identify your most critical vulnerabilities, and offer actionable insights to strengthen your defences.

Tier one: Essential

Quarterly validations to keep a regular check on your environment.

Identify your most critical risks

Tier two: Professional

Monthly validations offering more frequent insights for peace of mind.

Identify your most critical risks

Tier three: Ultimate

Fortnightly validations, ensuring you’re always ahead of potential threats. Additionally, Ultimate tier customers receive an exclusive consolidation report. This in-depth assessment of your tools, potential integration challenges, and organisational needs helps improve your security posture, operational efficiency, and identify cost-saving opportunities. 

Identify your most critical risks


Four Key Assessments

You’ll find out how your security controls measure up against ransomware attacks (including Lockbit), the strength of your AD passwords, whether your credentials policy is adhered to across your organisation, and Black Box testing.


Think Like a Hacker

Map attack behaviours to the MITRE framework, testing your security controls’ efficiency and overall preparedness against real-world cyber threats.


Visibility & Clarity

Pinpoint exact vulnerabilities and areas that need immediate attention.


Continuous Monitoring

Traditional methods may overlook new threats, but Pentera’s technology continually adapts, ensuring up-to-date protection.


Credibility & Trust

With Appurity’s expertise and Pentera’s cutting-edge technology, you’re in safe hands.


Consolidation & Cost Efficiency

By identifying ineffective security controls, you can streamline your security stack, saving both money and resources.

Appurity: Your Trusted Partner

Our service offering goes above and beyond. With our consultancy and support, we’ll help you understand your security validation results in greater depth. We’ll suggest areas of improvement, making recommendations for streamlining and strengthening your current security controls.

We know how difficult it can be to protect critical data and devices against the rising tide of cyber threats. Unforeseen vulnerabilities can have devastating consequences.

With our Automated Security Validation Service, we’ll help you identify and remediate these vulnerabilities, long before they become a live threat.

Our goal? To ensure our customers never find themselves on the wrong side of cyberattack statistics.

Seeing is Believing: The Benefits of Improved Visibility Through Security Consolidation

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What every manufacturing CEO needs to know about ransomware

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Appurity Webinar Series

Designed for those short on time, in these webinars we’ll share insights that you need to know.

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