Doddle Increases Speed of Rollout with Appurity and MobileIron Cloud.
The Organisation
Doddle are the click & collect experts and offer consumers the easiest way to collect and return online shopping. Since its launch in 2014, the company has formed partnerships with more than 100 retail partners such as Amazon, ASOS, Missguided, River Island, and New Look. Doddle has a growing network of 80 stores around the United Kingdom and to date, has handled over two million parcel pickups and returns.
Doddle is an extremely fast-growing company that puts customer service at the core of all its business operations. Central to being able to offer a consistently high level of customer service is mobility. This mobile first company runs the majority of its front-of-house business on mobile devices and apps. To stay competitive and manage rapid growth, the company needed an enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution to help them quickly deploy secure mobile devices and apps.
Since Doddle bases all of its core operations and apps in the cloud, managing its mobile fleet required a cloud-based EMM solution. As a result, the company selected MobileIron and its technology partner, Appurity, to help them deploy and manage employee devices and develop key line-of-business (LOB) apps. The company currently manages a mix of mobile devices, including Samsung Galaxy Xcover 3 for delivery drivers and rugged Zebra devices in their stores. Doddle also supports a small BYOD deployment for business operations and office workers.
The Challenge
Doddle’s focus on providing fast and convenient customer service has been a big factor in the company’s success and rapid store expansion. Most recently, Doddle launched a new service, ‘Powered by Doddle’, whereby it licenses its technology to other retailers to deploy seamless click and collect services in their own stores.
For retail partners, ‘Powered by Doddle’ means better customer satisfaction, greater foot traffic and ultimately, more revenue. Retailers using the service have reported an average of 32 percent reduction in daily staff hours required and a 30 percent increase in stockroom parcel capacity.
With a Net Promoter Score of 82, Doddle’s highly efficient customer service and parcel services are made possible with a mix of mobile devices managed and secured by MobileIron and critical logistics apps developed by Appurity. In addition to logistics, Doddle deploys and regularly updates other apps, such as mapping and in-store apps, to all the devices in their fleet, including its new retail partners. This is made possible with MobileIron Cloud, which enables Doddle to seamlessly install new apps and app versions, update policies, and ensure only approved apps are installed on corporate devices.
“MobileIron and Appurity have been important partners in supporting our expansion,” said Gary O’Connor, CTO at Doddle. “MobileIron enables us to easily deploy apps and weekly updates to all our mobile devices. Appurity has developed and supports our core logistics app as well as ensuring our MobileIron deployment is configured and optimized using best practices,” he said.
The Solution
To support its expansion into other retailers’ stores, Doddle redesigned its system to have a lighter footprint so it can run efficiently on handheld Android devices. This allows employees to securely access core business apps and process transactions on their devices — even in environments with intermittent connectivity.
Doddle allows consumers to choose Doddle as their delivery address at the checkout of major retailers including Amazon and ASOS, to avoid the inconvenience of a missed delivery. When the parcel arrives at the selected Doddle store, a Doddle employee uses the Appurity logistics app to scan the receiving information and shelf location, and the customer is automatically notified via email and text message. If the customer decides to return the item, the same process is used to ship the item back to the retailer.
“MobileIron and Appurity make it easy to improve the efficiency of our customer service across our entire network,” said O’Connor. “We have confidence knowing that we have a 360 degree view of all our mobile devices, where they are and what data they hold, so that we can redeploy them quickly and without any hassle.”
The Result
Doddle is planning to grow from 80 stores to several hundred in 2017. Key to that goal is the ability to scale device and app deployment and keep their mobile fleet updated and secure with MobileIron Cloud.
“We have ambitious growth plans for 2017 and will be increasing the reach of our services globally,” said O’Connor. “Ensuring we have efficient processes for updating our technology while keeping an inventory of all our mobile devices across a growing store estate is operationally imperative and MobileIron and Appurity are key partners in helping us manage this.”
Source: Doddle Case Study