
IBB Law LLP modernises its secure remote access with NetMotion by Absolute ‘as a Service’, resulting in an upgraded user experience and fewer support calls.

February 2022


IBB Law LLP is a full-service UK law firm that provides its clients with legal expertise in property and construction, corporate and commercial, employment, litigation, and more. The IT strategy at IBB Law requires secure, seamless connectivity for employees working from anywhere. Because fee earners must handle highly sensitive customer information, any new technology must adhere to the strictest compliance requirements.

The 2020 global pandemic and lockdown magnified concerns with the legacy VPN technology that was in place at IBB Law. These VPN issues became apparent when IBB Law’s support team was required to diagnose problems occurring on workers’ home networks and devices. They had difficulty understanding why users experienced consistent disconnects while working outside of the office.

That’s when Appurity, IBB Law’s valued technology partner introduced NetMotion by Absolute’s secure remote access solution. Appurity knew the solution could address IBB Law’s visibility issues, provide a more stable connection, and improve the company’s overall end user experience.

“We started off with Microsoft Always-On during the lockdown, which solved the initial problem of getting everyone connected but it is a bit of a nightmare to fix when it goes wrong because there is very little logging on it. It is very hard to find out what the underlying issue is.”

Sam Luxford-Watts | Director of Information Technology, IBB Law LLP

The solution

Once IBB Law replaced its existing VPN tool with NetMotion by Absolute, the organisation gained unparalleled insights into their mobile workforce. The solution not only provides the IBB IT team with the visibility they need to troubleshoot remote workforce issues, but it proactively improves the user experience for every user on any network. This is thanks to the software’s proprietary traffic optimisation capabilities.

By opting for NetMotion by Absolute’s cloud-hosted SaaS deployment option, IBB Law is executing on a hybrid cloud IT strategy and is positioning itself for future growth towards a zero-trust environment.

The results

As law firms continue to support a ‘work from anywhere’ workforce, NetMotion by Absolute’s cloud-based platform provides the flexibility needed to meet changing IT environments, while keeping end users productive.

  • Decreases connection-related support calls and trouble tickets to IT, saving the support teams hours of timeevery day
  • Improves visibility, allowing IT to proactively identify, diagnose, and fix remote working issues using bandwidth and connection reports
  • Provides a flexible remote access solution that can grow with a hybrid cloud IT strategy

“After our NetMotion trial, we decided to move forward with it because it saved my service desk team hours and hours of trying to diagnose problems and as a result, users receive a better experience. NetMotion gave us the visibility we needed to be able to have a more reasoned conversation with the user and offer specific information about their setup, identify the underlying issue with their connection and in many cases recommend a solution.”

Sam Luxford-Watts | Director of Information Technology, IBB Law LLP

About Appurity

Appurity specialises in delivering best in-class mobile and application security solutions to law firms.

Mobile and application security is vital in the legal world where data leakage, unsecured devices and apps pose a major risk. Legal professionals are prime targets for malicious actors looking to access sensitive information. Firms must safeguard information both on the endpoint and cloud while providing access to data.

As a verified Android Enterprise Service Provider and member of the Apple Consultants Network, Appurity provides bespoke end-to-end security, endpoint to Cloud – delivering solutions within the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) framework including Mobile Threat Defence (MTD), Cloud security (CASB) and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA).

Appurity enables greater productivity with enhanced security.

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