Absolute Secure Endpoint

Lantum Ensures Compliance and Device Security with Absolute Secure Endpoint

With Absolute Secure Endpoint, Lantum increases visibility and control of their device fleet while improving compliance scores.

The Challenge

Lantum is a workforce management platform vendor that allows healthcare providers to mobilize their workforce, allowing clinicians to work more flexibly. Headquartered in London, Lantum is on a mission radically improve how the healthcare industry connects with the workforce so that they can provide better patient care. The Lantum platform uses advanced technology to help healthcare organisations manage their workforce and connect with a large network of healthcare professionals to fill shift gaps.

With the transition to increased remote working, Lantum required an asset management system that would simplify the process of managing the devices being sent to remote workers, but also the ability to track and locate lost or stolen devices. Lantum also needed a solution that provided control over the device, no matter where the end user was working. Since Lantum works in a cloud-based environment, there are various applications that will need to be installed for users to access – searching for a solution that simplified and provided control over managing various scripts to make installation seamless for the end user was necessary.

As an ISO 27001-certified company, Lantum must comply with various guidelines when it comes to their IT environment, including device asset management. As part of the governance and audit process, Lantum needs to report on various device insights on an ongoing basis, which became a time-consuming operation. Finding a solution that could simplify this process was a priority to help free up resources to work on other initiatives.

“We’ve been asked for more capabilities to offer greater protection for critical infrastructure and outside threats. With Absolute Secure Endpoint, I feel much more comfortable now that not only do we have the capability that we need today, but we can meet the next set of demands because the solution is capable of that.”

Gary O’Connor | CTO, Lantum


Absolute Secure Endpoint was introduced by Appurity, Lantum’s trusted technology partner. Appurity knew the capabilities of the solution; it could provide the endpoint visibility and control needed over Lantum’s device fleet and allow for a more granular view of the device and applications from a compliance perspective versus a Mobile Device Management provider.

With the help of Appurity, Lantum went through a seamless implementation and installation process of Absolute Secure Endpoint across its device fleet. This allowed for gradual adoption across the organization, providing Lantum with immediate visibility and control over their devices and what is installed, even with a distributed workforce.

In addition, Lantum will soon be undergoing their next ISO 27001 audit, followed by a renewal of their Cyber Essentials certification. With Absolute Secure Endpoint, Lantum can easily provide the necessary evidence for audit purposes in an efficient and scalable manner.

As a scaling business, Lantum needed a solution that could help reduce some of the workload on their compliance team. Since implementing Absolute Secure Endpoint’s efficient reporting, Lantum’s compliance team has been able to focus on other strategic initiatives.

Lantum also works closely with the NHS, who have been ensuring their vendors have the solutions in place to protect their critical infrastructure from outside threats. Absolute Secure Endpoint provides Lantum with the confidence to meet not only this need, but also be in a state to meet any future demands. Lantum has contractual obligations where Lantum are scored on various aspects, including Cyber Essentials. Absolute Secure Endpoint helps provide Lantum with the ability to achieve and maintain these scores, making it easier for organizations to easily procure their product.

“We are implementing better processes around how we handle our devices and any issues we may have with them. One of the most beneficial things about Absolute Secure Endpoint is, when we do get to the bottom of some of these recurring problems, we now know we have a solution that is able to script and manage these devices in a much better way.”

Gary O’Connor | CTO, Lantum


With Absolute Secure Endpoint, organizations can make their endpoints and applications cyber resilient while staying compliant in support of their anywhere workforce. For Lantum, Absolute Secure Endpoint:

  • Provides improved visibility into the device fleet, providing full device tracking to help locate lost or stolen endpoints
  • Efficiently provides a streamlined collection of evidence to help achieve and maintain compliance
  • Helps safeguard devices, applications, and data from unwanted threats

About Appurity

Appurity is a team of consultants who assess environments and business requirements to deliver specialised, best-in-class security solutions – endpoint to cloud.

Built for the modern and dispersed workforce, Appurity’s solutions adhere to data protection and cybersecurity schemes and regulations such as Cyber Essentials and ISO. Appurity works with companies to develop and implement impenetrable security strategies that utilise the latest technologies and security frameworks including ZTNA, SSE, CASB, MTD, continuously validating security risks.

Working with technology partners that include Lookout, Appurity’s solutions are built to offer unparalleled protection, while improving productivity for users and IT professionals.

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