Compliance Services Hub

From the UK GDPR to ISO certifications, every organisation with IT systems must navigate a complex landscape of data protection and security standards.

Unique approach

Cybersecurity compliance prioritising flexibility


Across all industries and organisation sizes

Beyond compliance

Optimised for peak performance and protection

Maximising your firm’s
cybersecurity requirements

Beyond merely meeting these requirements, Appurity’s unique approach to cybersecurity compliance prioritises flexibility, security, and productivity within your environment.

This commitment extends across all industries and organisation sizes, ensuring that your systems, data, devices, and networks are not just compliant, but are also optimised for peak performance and protection.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed cybersecurity certification. It focuses on fundamental IT security controls to protect against common cyber threats, and is essential for organisations looking to secure government contracts.

Appurity specialises in helping your organisation achieve this certification. We conduct in-depth audits of your cybersecurity practices, identifying points of failure and areas for improvement. Our team provides end-to-end support, from enhancing your security infrastructure to ensuring successful certification, boosting your business’s cyber defence and market credibility.

New ecosystem

Why trust Appurity?

Appurity has achieved Cyber Essentials Plus certification, the higher level qualification in the Cyber Essentials Scheme. To ensure Appurity met the requirements of the five cyber security controls (access control, secure configuration, software updates, malware protection, and firewalls and routers), we were subject to a third-party technical verification. Performed by certification body URM Consulting Services, this assessment included a vulnerability scan on in-scope devices.

URM’s assessor commented that ‘Appurity demonstrated a commendable commitment to cybersecurity’.

Remote management

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard for information security management systems, vital for organisations that manage sensitive data. Appurity’s ISO 27001 services are designed to help your organisation establish, maintain, and continually improve upon your information security management system.

We perform detailed audits, assessing your current security protocols against ISO standards. By identifying potential vulnerabilities and implementing robust security measures, we ensure your information security framework – and your customers’ and clients’ sensitive data – is compliant, secure, and resilient against emerging cyber threats.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law in the EU, applicable to any organisation processing personal data of EU citizens, regardless of its location.

Appurity’s GDPR compliance services focus on ensuring your organisation’s data handling practices meet these stringent standards. Our audits evaluate your data processing methods, identifying areas of non-compliance. We will guide you through GDPR’s intricacies, helping implement policies and procedures that safeguard data and prioritise privacy and security, thereby upholding consumer trust and avoiding hefty penalties.

NIS and NIS2

The Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive, and its successor, NIS2, are EU regulations aimed at boosting cybersecurity across critical sectors and digital services. Appurity is assisting U.K. organisations that do business in the EU navigate these regulations – especially NIS2, which is much broader in scope than its predecessor.

If your organisation is already ISO 27001 certified, you will have covered off several of the requirements for NIS2 compliance. Our tailored service will give you recommendations specifically designed to address any gaps within the more extensive requirements of NIS2 – which cover areas such as risk and asset management.

It’s important to note that in certain aspects, NIS2 demands a more rigorous approach than ISO 27001. Appurity ensures that your organisation not only meets these enhanced requirements but is also equipped with a strengthened cybersecurity posture that can adapt to the evolving digital landscape.

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is an EU regulation focusing on the cybersecurity resilience of the financial sector.

Appurity is supporting financial institutions and related organisations to understand and meet DORA’s rigorous standards. We will conduct specialised evaluations of your digital operations against DORA requirements, which include threat-led penetration testing, information sharing, and third-party risk management.

A key area that we are supporting financial customers with is strengthening resilience in line with unexpected, evolving, and sophisticated threats and vulnerabilities.

Articles and Case Studies

With our critical insights and casestudies, you’ve got everything you need to navigate the mobile security landscape with confidence.

Data at Risk: The Growing Threat of Ransomware Attacks

In the wake of the recent LockBit attack on a major law firm, it’s now clear that ransomware attacks are no longer just IT horror stories, but tangible threats with real-world implications.

Ensuring Comprehensive Coverage: A Closer Look at Mobile Endpoint Security

In part two of our blog series where we’re examining what your organisation needs to look for in a mobile endpoint security solution, we’re turning our attention to OS, networks, device compromise and user remediation.

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