Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus – safeguard your business

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that helps businesses protect against a range of online threats.

There are two levels to the scheme – Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus.

Cyber Essentials is self-assessed and independently verified. You’ll be asked a range of security questions about your devices, networks and current processes in place. 

To gain the Plus accreditation, your business must go through an independent technical audit – essentially, you’ll be formally checked against the declarations made in the Cyber Essentials self-assessment.

What are the benefits of Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation?


Recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) as maintaining an enhanced level of cyber security


Protects your business against cyber attacks


Demonstrates a commitment to cyber security to current customers


Defend and remediate threats targeting mobile devices

What do you need to do to pass the Cyber Essentials Plus technical audit? 

Here’s where Appurity comes in.

Thanks to our unparalleled expertise in security technology, Appurity can get your business ready for the Cyber Essentials Plus assessment – and protect your entire infrastructure in the process.

How will Appurity get you ready for Cyber Essentials Plus?

  • We’ll deliver a comprehensive security assessment of your current infrastructure
  • We’ll identify the gaps in your current security strategy
  • We’ll give you a thorough action plan to get you ready

Rest assured – your action plan will not just include a cut-and-paste list of pointers.

By identifying the gaps in your current security processes, we can then recommend and deliver a complete security solution so that you can ace your assessment, and protect all your employees, devices, and data in the process.

Appurity Cyber+

Is your business ready for Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation? 

Why Appurity?

Appurity works with leading, trusted partners that utilise the latest technologies to solve the security problems of tomorrow. Our technical expertise means that we can actually implement bespoke solutions for your business – not just point out the holes in your current strategy

Want to find out more? Contact Appurity today to book a free Security Service Edge (SSE) assessment for your business, in collaboration with Lookout. .

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