How to Monitor, Understand, and Secure Gen AI Use in Your Organisation

Free webinar: September 19th – 09:30 to 10:15

As Generative AI tools become central to today’s working environments, organisations must navigate the fine line between innovation and security. While AI platforms like ChatGPT and Google Gemini boost productivity and empower your workforce, they also introduce risks that could compromise your most valuable data.

Did you know that every interaction with these AI tools could expose your organisation to potential data leaks? What if the data your team inputs—intentionally or not—ends up being used to train public AI models? This could lead to unintended exposure of your business’s critical information.

Join our upcoming webinar where we’ll guide you through:

  • How to gain visibility into AI usage across your workforce
  • Effective monitoring strategies to track AI interactions and prevent data leaks
  • Controlling AI access and usage to protect sensitive data and devices
  • Practical steps to ensure secure AI adoption without stifling innovation

This session will equip you with the knowledge you need to leverage the power of GenAI, ensuring that innovation doesn’t come at the cost of data integrity.

Dates: September 19th – 09:30 to 10:15

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