Pcysys – automating the discovery of vulnerabilities and performing ethical exploits
Continuous Protection
Focused on the inside threat, Pcysys’ automated penetration-testing platform mimics the hacker’s attack – automating the discovery of vulnerabilities and performing ethical exploits, while ensuring an undisrupted network operation.
Detailed reports are produced together with proposed remediation to keep you one step ahead of tomorrow’s malicious
Session 1: The Concept
Date: TBC | Time: TBC
Duration: 30 minutes
In this session we outline how Pcysys delivers continuous protection to users, organisations and devices wherever they are.
Session 2: The Demonstration
Date: TBC | Time: TBC
Duration: 60 minutes
In this session we outline how Pcysys automated penetration-testing platform mimics the hacker’s attack – automating the discovery of vulnerabilities and performing ethical exploits, while ensuring an undisrupted network operation.