Cyber Security

Tackling Today’s Cyber Challenges with Appurity and the MITRE ATT&CK® Framework

Understand the methods used by bad actors

In today’s digital age, organisations must be equipped with the tools to protect their critical devices, data, and assets. We believe that our customers should go one step further still, and understand exactly the methods used by bad actors so that they can deploy effective and organised defences against potential cyber threats. 

Central to this understanding is the globally acclaimed MITRE ATT&CK® framework. Essentially, this is a vast knowledge base of tactics and techniques employed by cyber attackers. As cyberattacks evolve, so too does the framework. 

Staying ahead

A rapid shift towards remote or hybrid work and a reliance on mobile devices for all business operations has highlighted the need for advanced, next-generation device protection – on desktop and mobile. At Appurity, we’re not just reactive; we’re proactive. That’s why we partner with Lookout and Pentera to offer our customers solutions that are mapped to the MITRE framework.

Lookout: comprehensive, tailored mobile threat protection

For an organisation to truly secure its mobile fleet, it’s vital that they possess the means to detect, respond to, and ultimately protect against every technique within the MITRE ATT&CK Mobile Matrix – which details the strategies used in mobile-based cyber-attacks.

Anything less than this approach places the critical data contained within your organisation’s mobile devices at risk.

Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security (MES) detects and prevents threats from a variety of sources – whether they are device-based, network-centric, phishing attempts, or lurking in malicious apps. 

What sets Lookout apart is its alignment with MITRE ATT&CK Mobile techniques. Lookout MES offers unparalleled insights into potential risks, ensures protection across managed and unmanaged devices, and gives organisations the tools to analyse and mitigate threats. 

Contact Appurity to find out more about how Lookout’s solution works to protect mobile devices against each tactic and technique within the MITRE Mobile Matrix.

Pentera: Emulating attacker behaviour to strengthen defences

By mapping attack behaviours to the MITRE framework, Pentera allows organisations to test their security controls’ efficiency and overall preparedness against cyber threats. This proactive offence helps organisations stay a step ahead of attackers, focusing on remediating the most critical and exploitable vulnerabilities which pose the highest risk. Within Pentera’s platform, the MITRE tab offers a comprehensive view of the various attack stages and techniques deployed by Pentera in emulating a real-world attack. 

With Pentera, it’s not just about patches and updates; it’s about comprehensively identifying your most critical weaknesses – whether that’s weak passwords, misconfigurations, OS and network hardening issues, or the capabilities of your current security controls to effectively block malicious behaviour.

Secure your digital future with Appurity

With partners like Lookout and Pentera, Appurity is working with our customers to ensure that they’re not just keeping pace with cyber threats, but staying one step ahead. We want to support your cybersecurity objectives. Get in touch with the Appurity team today.


Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that helps businesses protect against a range of online threats.


Appurity Cyber+

Is your business ready for Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation?

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