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Your Firm Can Use Mobile to Mitigate Risk and Increase Revenue


Your Firm Can Use Mobile to Mitigate Risk and Increase Revenue

March 2022

Endpoints are now the most popular in-road for cybercriminals

Mobile is fast becoming the main driver for digital transformation for all organisations – firms in the legal sector are no different. Your firm’s security or IT team will need to collaborate closely in order to secure all mobile devices, to include ‘work’ phones and personal devices (BYOD, for example). Keeping end-user privacy in mind will allow your firm to forge a robust security posture and keep you firmly on the right side of international data privacy and compliance laws.

When we talk about endpoints (endpoint security for the sake of this article), we are talking about remote computing devices that are able to communicate freely within the network to which they are connected. To be precise, devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles (smartphones). We will concern ourselves with mobile devices here. Endpoints are attractive targets for cybercriminals as they are regarded as vulnerable points of entry to hack into your firm’s network. Your people are undoubtedly becoming more mobile and wishing to connect to internal resources from off-premises endpoints everywhere. Protecting modern endpoints requires a different approach – one that is built from the ground up for mobile devices and secures the entire data path from the endpoint to the cloud. Only a modern endpoint protection solution can detect mobile threats in apps, device operating systems and network connections while also protecting against credential theft and malware delivery attacks through phishing.

With many firms adopting a hybrid working model, employees are now using mobile more frequently to do business remotely, which exposes them to risk and loss of earnings if not correctly managed. Legal firms understand the importance of mobile in a modern workflow, however it is essential that client data is protected and remains confidential when using mobile channels such as Voice, WhatsApp, or SMS. With the increased use of mobile as a secure communication tool, firms need to have confidence that its use meets industry requirements, and that all communications are being accounted for.

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 75% of conversations at work will be recorded and analysed, enabling the discovery of added organizational value for risk. So why should firms consider monitoring mobile communications? In the event of a dispute between a legal team and clients, firms can easily refer back and provide accountability of all mobile communications, keeping track of them in one centralised dashboard. With employees frequently switching between devices, accounting for time spent calling or messaging clients over mobile can be lost and forgotten.

Do you want to enable your workforce to communicate with clients confidently over mobile, safe in the knowledge that every conversation has been accounted for? With our technology partner VoxSmart, we are able to provide mobile monitoring software designed for legal firms looking to increase efficiency by allowing their employees to communicate with clients over previously unused or restricted mobile channels.

VoxSmart mobile capture for iOS and Android is an always-on app, recording communications your employee has with their clients on mobile. Communications such as voice, SMS, WhatsApp and even WeChat can be captured and made readily available for retrieval in full conversational context. All communications are recorded in real time, including deleted messages, providing a full chat history. Tamper-proof technology means that the app cannot be deleted or adjusted. Store your communications securely, either on-premise or in Amazon Web Services. VoxSmart allows direct use of third-party applications so that there is no change in user behaviour and provides for a seamless native user experience.

VoxSmart works across any network giving you more freedom. You can switch network providers in different countries and your recording functionality will not be affected. If you are looking to optimise performance, then consider harnessing the power of mobile with Vox smart mobile capture.

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2022-03-28T11:25:06+00:00March 4th, 2022|blog, mms|
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