Lookout endpoint security: Integrated endpoint-to-cloud protection

The widespread adoption of mobile working has opened up new potential threats for cyber attacks. Securing endpoints must now go beyond in-office desktop and network security like Lookout endpoint security solutions.

Mobile risks need modern endpoint protection.

Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security

Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security (MES) identifies mobile threats targeting three attack vectors: app threats, device threats, and network threats.

Lookout® Endpoint Security for Mobile is a cloud-based Security Platform. It leverages a lightweight endpoint app on each employee’s device and is managed through a cloud-based admin console. The console delivers real-time visibility into mobile risk and customisable reporting. The console simplifies enrolment and enforcement policies through integration with Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solutions.

Lookout offers:

Complete Mobile Protection

Detect threats in apps, on devices, and in network connections.

Protect Personal and Professional

Protect against phishing attacks across both business and personal apps — including social media and direct messaging.

AI Powered Threat Detection

Artificial Intelligence is used to analyse data from devices and apps, protecting your business from known and unknown threats, without violating privacy.


Integrate policies into your existing security and mobile management solutions, and meet industry-set compliance requirements.

“Lookout gives us the knowledge and security that our mobile endpoints are protected and that any cyber threats are automatically blocked. Moreover, with proactive alerts for our users and extensive visibility into our attack surface, we’re confident that our users are being warned, our devices are protected and that we’re secure as a firm.”

IT Manager, Bristows LLP

The rapid rise of the device-first workforce is creating a perimeter-less world. Contact our mobile security experts to learn more about how Lookout can help your business manage and optimise security across all endpoints.


Mobile Messaging

Be smart with mobile messaging – The threat of Pegasus is a risk to everyone.


How Bristows LLP, a Leading Technology Law Firm, Secures its Lawyers’ iOS Endpoints with Lookout

The firm needed to take additional measures to secure its mobile endpoints.


Getting your managed mobile services strategy right

In a changing world, the only constant seems to be change.

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