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The importance of endpoint security assessments

14 November 2019

Forrester report

A Forrester report commissioned by BlackBerry identifies the total economic impact of Cylance, the AI-driven endpoint security suite.

The study focuses on an organisation using CylancePROTECT and CylanceOPTICS to reveal the potential return on investment (ROI) organisations can realise by deploying these solutions.

Key findings of the Forrester report

$8.4 million

Savings from decommissioning legacy endpoint security systems.


Improved productivity of cybersecurity teams.


Reduced cost of a security breach.


Reduction in lost time due to faster investigation/remediation.


Reduction in machine re-imaging.


Manual software audits required.

Overall, the interviewed organisation experienced benefits of $14 million over three years versus costs of $7 million.

This adds up to a net present value of $7 million with an ROI of 99%.

Financial Summary

Benefits (Three – Year)

Clearly, this study highlights the importance of deploying effective endpoint security solutions within your organisation. However, the first crucial step is an endpoint security assessment.

Introducing Appurity’s endpoint security assessment

Appurity is a Cylance partner. We work closely with the experts at Cylance to deliver endpoint security assessments for organisations of all sizes, across a wide range of industries.

Our endpoint security assessment is your first step towards AI-powered preventative protection across your entire organisation.

You urgently need a security assessment if:

You have no defence against zero-day attacks

You don’t have the resources to effectively monitor and remedy potential threats around the clock

There are already threats in your environment that you have no visibility of

What do we assess?

Firstly, our endpoint security experts will carry out a thorough investigation of your current endpoint estate. Then we’ll determine whether your existing security controls – including traditional antivirus systems – are providing adequate protection. In addition, we’ll identify any Dark Web activity associated with your organisation’s domain.

What will your organisation receive?

  • Full report including the results of internal and external health-checks
  • View of administrator tools and their location in your IT environment
  • Visibility of your most at-risk devices based on threats discovered
  • Visibility of any USB storage devices plugged in during the assessment
  • Any classified malware will be identified
  • Identification of any credentials found on the Dark Web for your domain (Max. 5)
  • Insights relating to breaches that have affected users in your primary domain

Future-proof your security operations

Depending on your assessment findings, we can provide additional services to work alongside your traditional AV. This can include remediation solutions, incident response and managed services.

 *Free to organisations with a workforce of up to 1,500 people.

The Total Economic Impact Of CylancePROTECT And CylanceOPTICS

Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By CylancePROTECT And CylanceOPTICS.

BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suite Datasheet

Appurity Mobile Threat Prevention

See it and stop it on any device. Even on zero-day.

Our BlackBerry Cylance products

Cylance Protect - BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suits

CylancePROTECT is an integrated threat prevention solution. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to block malware infections, while additional security controls safeguard against script-based, fileless, memory, and external device-based attacks.

Cylance Threat Zero - BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suits

Cylance ThreatZERO experts blend technological expertise and personalized, white glove service to optimize Cylance security solutions. Get the most out of your investment while creating a protected environment that runs smoothly, accountably and effectively.

CylanceOPTICS is designed to significantly reduce the number of alerts generated by the security stack. This reduces the burden and frustration of endless alert investigations leading nowhere.

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